sowell chakour

Labor and Delivery Malpractice Lawyer Florida – Know the Law

Aug 30, 2021

Labor and delivery malpractice are two unfortunate occurrences that happen more often than most people think. When such problems arise during childbirth, it can promptly eliminate all of your joy and bring great pain and suffering to all involved.

When challenging times like these infiltrate your life, it’s vital that you secure experienced legal counsel. In fact, it’s one of the single most important things you can do for yourself. When you have a law firm with both legal and medical experience, you can confidently take a stand against the powerful medical establishment and fight to get the compensation you deserve. 

What Is Labor and Delivery Malpractice?

Negligence in childbirth occurs when either an individual medical professional or a facility as a whole makes a mistake. Such would be a clear deviation from what is typically deemed acceptable standards of care. Labor and delivery malpractice can cause both the mother and fetus to suffer injury. Negligence that occurs in the delivery room and recovery room can lead to your right to file a medical malpractice lawsuit.

When you secure the services of an experienced Florida labor and delivery malpractice lawyer, you can vastly improve your chances of winning the compensation you deserve. In doing so, you can pay for current medical expenses associated with your or your baby’s injury or injuries. 

Of course, that’s not all. Birth injuries can cause more than just wrongful financial stress. There is often heart-wrenching physical and emotional strain, as well. Therefore, your attorney will fight to ensure that you recover your rightful compensation so that you can give yourself and your little one the best healthcare and medical attention.

If you are the victim of labor and delivery malpractice in Florida, it is imperative that you seek an experienced law firm as quickly as possible. By acting fast, you can be sure to give your malpractice lawyer plenty of time to adequately and effectively build your case. 

In addition, you will need to be able to prove to your attorney that the doctor treating you failed to provide proper healthcare, resulting in labor and delivery malpractice and injury. With that in mind, not all claims constitute such malpractice cases.

It’s up to your attorney to put the pieces of the puzzle together to determine whether you have a strong enough case. Some of the most common injuries that result from labor and delivery malpractice include:

  • A doctor or facility’s failure to properly assess the health and wellbeing of the mother and baby
  • Nerve damage from improper epidural administration
  • Shoulder injury to baby’s arm
  • Inducing labor too late or too soon
  • Delayed C-section
  • Asphyxia

If you or your baby suffered any of the above or even an injury not listed, don’t hesitate to contact your trusted labor and delivery malpractice lawyer in Florida right away. Birth injuries happen far too often. The more the medical industry is held accountable for such negligence, the less it is likely to occur.

Why Choose the Doctor Lawyer Firm?

Matthew Sowell is one of the few Florida lawyers certified by both the Florida Bar and the American Board of Professional Liability. Matt excels as a national leader in stroke litigation and is the founding chairman of the Stroke Litigation Group, the largest litigation lawyer organization in the United States. Matt also wrote and shared with peers how to successfully prosecute stroke cases. Over the years, Matt has won millions of dollars in verdicts, ensuring that his clients are awarded the compensation they deserve in extremely difficult medical malpractice cases.

Fadi Chakour is a former medical doctor who left the field to practice law, specifically, medical malpractice litigation.   As a doctor, Fadi treated many patients who were injured due to the negligence of others and observed the pain and suffering of loved ones that came from these instances. The combination of his medical knowledge and experience and his legal skills make Fadi a powerful advocate for injured people who have fallen victim to medical negligence.

Call Sowell Chakour Today to Discuss Your Claim

If you believe you are a victim of labor and delivery malpractice, we encourage you to call us right away. The sooner we can start your malpractice claim, the sooner you stand to earn the compensation you deserve. Taking a stand against the medical establishment is understandably intimidating. But when you have the experienced team of Sowell Chakour in your corner, you have a much better chance of being made whole. Call our office today at 1-833-MedMals or fill out our online contact form , and we will promptly respond to your inquiry and work to schedule a consultation.

The information in this blog post is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. You should not make a decision whether or not to contact an attorney based upon the information in this blog post. No attorney-client relationship is formed nor should any such relationship be implied. If you require legal advice, please consult with an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.


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