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From Injury to Justice: How to Secure a Fair Spinal Cord Injury Settlement

Jun 12, 2023

Navigating through the challenging path of spinal cord injury is a daunting task. Beyond the physical pain and emotional distress, the financial implications can often be overwhelming. 

This is where a fair spinal cord injury settlement can be a ray of light. However, securing a just settlement is no walk in the park. It’s a journey that demands knowledge, patience, and the right guidance.

Understanding Spinal Cord Injuries

Sustaining spinal cord injuries can be severely life-changing as it involves damage to the spinal cord. The spinal cord has a crucial function in our central nervous system as it transmits messages from the brain to every part of our body. These messages control our body functions, from motor functions like walking to the operation of bodily organs.

When there is a strong collision, the spine’s bone disks, also known as vertebrae, can fracture or become dislocated, resulting in spinal cord injuries. Most injuries do not completely sever the spinal cord. 

Fractures or compressions in the vertebrae caused by spinal cord injuries can lead to damage in the axons responsible for transmitting signals throughout the spinal cord. 

Such injuries can result from different sources, including motor vehicle accidents, falls, sports-related incidents, or violent acts like gunshot wounds. Other causes can be diseases such as cancer, infections, or spinal disc degeneration.

Such injuries can lead to serious health conditions like paraplegia or quadriplegia, which are characterized by partial or total paralysis. Paraplegia primarily affects the individual’s lower body, while quadriplegia impacts both the arms and legs. 

Additionally, these injuries can manifest in various symptoms, including pain, numbness, incontinence, and difficulties with breathing.

Understanding the nature of spinal cord injuries is essential in comprehending the gravity of such injuries and why securing a fair spinal cord injury settlement is crucial for victims and their families. It is not merely a matter of justice but a necessity to cover the long-term medical and personal care costs associated with these severe injuries.

Understanding Spinal Cord Injury Settlements

Spinal cord injuries can be life-altering, affecting every aspect of an individual’s life. A spinal cord injury settlement can help bear the brunt of medical bills, lost wages, and other future costs like therapy and home adjustments.

These settlements are typically provided by an insurance company or through a lawsuit against a responsible party. Settlements aim to compensate victims for their losses, but sadly, many victims do not receive fair compensation.

The fight for a fair settlement begins with understanding its components, which typically include economic and non-economic damages.

When it comes to compensation for losses, economic damages refer to quantifiable expenses like medical bills and lost income, while non-economic damages pertain to less tangible aspects like emotional distress and physical pain.

Know Your Rights

Knowing your rights is the cornerstone of securing a fair settlement. Laws around personal injury and liability vary by state, so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the legal terrain. This can seem daunting, but an experienced spinal cord injury lawyer can be an invaluable ally in this process.

Additionally, be aware of the statute of limitations in your state. This is the time limit for filing a lawsuit, which typically ranges from one to six years after the injury. Don’t wait until the last minute; take prompt action to protect your rights.

Gathering Evidence

A key step in securing a fair spinal cord injury settlement is gathering solid evidence. This includes medical records detailing your injury, photographs of the accident scene, testimonies of eyewitnesses, and any other evidence that can substantiate your claim.

Proving the extent of your injury and its impact on your life can significantly impact the settlement amount. Remember to also document your ongoing medical treatments and their impact on your daily activities.

Hiring a Skilled Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

The fight for a fair spinal cord injury settlement is a complex legal battle. It requires a deep understanding of personal injury law, experience with negotiating with insurance companies, and the ability to present a strong case in court. A skilled spinal cord injury lawyer brings all this to the table and more.

These professionals guide you through the legal maze, taking care of intricate details while advocating for your best interests. They have a pulse on what is a fair settlement and can prevent you from accepting a lowball offer from insurance companies.

Negotiating Your Settlement

Negotiation is an art that requires a strong case and the skills to present it effectively. It’s often a back-and-forth process with the other party or the insurance company. Your lawyer will be instrumental during this stage, utilizing their negotiation skills and knowledge of fair settlement values.

Remember, initial offers are often lower than what you may deserve. Don’t accept the first offer, and consult your lawyer before making any decisions.

Final Thoughts

Securing a fair spinal cord injury settlement can feel like an uphill battle. But armed with knowledge, a capable lawyer, and unyielding perseverance, it’s a battle you can win. 

Stay resilient, keep pushing forward, and remember that the fight for a fair settlement is more than just a legal battle. It’s a fight for your right to a better life after a spinal cord injury.

Frequently Asked Questions about Spinal Cord Injuries and Settlements

Can the severity of a spinal cord injury affect the settlement amount?

Absolutely. The severity of the injury plays a significant role in determining the settlement amount. More severe injuries typically require long-term medical care, leading to higher costs. Therefore, settlements tend to be higher to adequately compensate for these costs.

Can future costs be considered in a spinal cord injury settlement?

Yes, future costs are a critical component of spinal cord injury settlements. These can include future medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, modifications to homes and vehicles, and projected lost income. It’s crucial to work with medical experts and an experienced lawyer to accurately estimate these costs.

What role does liability play in a spinal cord injury settlement?

Liability, or who is at fault for the injury, is a critical factor in a settlement. If another party is wholly or partly at fault for the injury, they may be liable for damages. This can be a complex area of law, and the assistance of a skilled lawyer is often necessary.

How does a structured settlement work in a spinal cord injury case?

Structured settlements provide payment of the settlement amount over time rather than in a single lump sum. This can help ensure that the funds needed for long-term care are available over the victim’s lifetime. The specific terms, like the payment schedule and amounts, can be negotiated.

What if the insurance company denies my claim or offers a low settlement?

If your claim is denied, or you’re offered a settlement that doesn’t adequately cover your needs, it’s essential to consult with an experienced spinal cord injury lawyer. They can help challenge the denial or negotiate a fairer settlement. Remember, initial offers from insurance companies are often lower than what you may deserve.

The information in this blog post is for reference only and not legal advice. As such, you should not decide whether to contact a lawyer based on the information in this blog post. Moreover, there is no lawyer-client relationship resulting from this blog post, nor should any such relationship be implied. If you need legal counsel, please consult a lawyer licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.


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