sowell chakour

Ectopic Pregnancy Malpractice Cases

Mar 11, 2024

Most pregnancies result in happy and healthy babies. Unfortunately, there are always exceptions as it’s common for healthy women to face complications during their pregnancy. In some instances, the issues may present themselves very early after conception, such as with ectopic pregnancies.

To avoid permanent injuries and death, physicians need to treat this condition as soon as possible.

In the event a medical professional fails to provide adequate care, you can file a malpractice lawsuit against them to recover damages and keep them accountable for their negligence.

Join us today as we explore the key information surrounding ectopic pregnancy malpractice cases.

Ectopic pregnancies explained

When a pregnancy takes place, the fertilized egg has to enter the uterus and embed itself within. With ectopic pregnancies, this never happens. Rather, the fertilized egg will become implanted outside the uterus, typically in the fallopian tube, or in rare cases, in the abdominal cavity or one of the ovaries.

As you can guess, this condition can be life-threatening and these pregnancies are not viable. A fetus can’t grow to full term out of the uterus, so it needs to be removed as fast as possible to avoid further complications.

Think of it this way:

A uterus is flexible, which means it can fully expand to accommodate the size of the developing baby and go back to its regular size after birth. Fallopian tubes and other areas of the body don’t have this ability and can’t provide the necessary space for the fetus.

Because of this, if an ectopic pregnancy isn’t treated, it can rupture organs, cause extensive bleeding, and lead to a life-threatening infection.

Due to the time-critical nature of this condition, immediate treatment is mandatory as a bad outcome can result in permanent injury, loss of ability to conceive a child in the future, and wrongful death.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancies

During the early stages of pregnancy, it’s close to impossible to notice any symptoms. Oftentimes, women with ectopic pregnancies have no idea there is an issue as they experience the usual symptoms of an early pregnancy. Some women even receive positive pregnancy results.

Still, the condition can progress very fast and exhibit symptoms that include:

  • Lower back pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Lower abdomen pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Vaginal bleeding

If the ectopic pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tube, it’s not uncommon for a rupture to materialize very early in the process. This can cause severe internal bleeding, followed by symptoms such as:

  • Nausea
  • Persistent vaginal bleeding
  • Extreme pelvic pain
  • Sharp shoulder pain

It’s worth noting that some women have a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy. This applies to women with a history of such pregnancies, those who became pregnant while having an intrauterine device, women with previous tubal surgeries, and lastly, women who underwent fertility treatments.

Role of medical professionals in ectopic pregnancy malpractice cases

While ectopic pregnancies are ultimately no one’s fault since they’re naturally occurring, the way the doctor approaches the condition makes all the difference in the outcome. When a patient seeks immediate medical treatment, it’s possible to minimize complications and avoid a serious injury. Yet, medical professionals may provide subpar care, which can lead to unnecessary suffering.

This is exactly why ectopic pregnancy malpractice cases come about in the first place.

When a patient presents the physician with any of the symptoms listed above, the physician is obligated to carry out all the relevant testing to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. They should do bloodwork and order an ultrasound immediately to confirm the location of the fertilized egg.

If diagnosed early, medication may be enough to resolve the ectopic pregnancy. Surgery is sometimes required to remove the fetus, and if not diagnosed promptly, surgeons may need to remove the fallopian tube along with the fetus.

Do you have a valid malpractice case?

Valid ectopic pregnancy malpractice cases need to meet strict criteria, the main ones being negligence and breach of duty.

Negligence is relatively straightforward. It takes place when a physician falls below the accepted standards of care that a similar provider would have demonstrated in similar circumstances.

Breach of duty occurs when the provider fails to fulfill their professional obligation. If they cause another injury as a result of failing to treat a condition, they have technically breached their duty of care that was established when they took you on as a patient and entered into a doctor-patient relationship with you.

A negative outcome doesn’t automatically mean that the injury was caused through the physician’s action. It’s also necessary to demonstrate that a medical provider’s error or omission has caused a negative outcome.

In other words, an attorney (aided by a medical expert) has to establish clear causation between the negligent event and the injury.

Lastly, there are also clear damages associated with the injury in ectopic pregnancy malpractice cases.

Here’s an example:

If a doctor misdiagnoses the condition as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) but later corrects their mistake, provides the right diagnosis, and starts treating the condition, there is no injury. Hence, there is also no grounds for a malpractice lawsuit.

However, if the medical professional from this example insisted on their original diagnosis of the condition as PID, leaving you with lasting injuries, you can file a claim to recover compensation for damages.

Pursue a legal claim immediately

Ectopic pregnancies can be deadly and leave the patient with permanent effects, necessitating a quick diagnosis and effective treatment by the medical professional. When the opposite happens and the doctor breaches their duty, your only recourse is filing a lawsuit to recover compensation and keep them accountable for their actions.

Still, even if the evidence in your case is strong, you need an experienced legal team on your side to support your claim and investigate the matter accordingly.

For Florida citizens, Sowell Chakour is the right choice. With decades of experience in the legal field and the medical profession, our attorneys can support your fight for justice and make sure you’re adequately compensated for the trauma you endured.

Call (833) 633-6257 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation.


The information in this blog post is for reference only and not legal advice. As such, you should not make legal decisions based on the information in this blog post. Moreover, there is no lawyer-client relationship resulting from this blog post, nor should any such relationship be implied. If you need legal counsel, please consult a lawyer licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.


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